Pensions Aspects Magazine

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Benefits of becoming a trustee – what the future holds
09 April 2021

Benefits of becoming a trustee – what the future holds

The World Economic Forum in their 2019 report listed the top ten global risks foreseen. A viral pandemic was not one of them. Bill Gates was closer in his predictions and some worry he would microchip us all. Not that he needs to – the mobile companies know all our movements anyway, and Facebook and Amazon know the rest (save for our health passport and the pensions dashboard). So what might trustees expect next?

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Pay the right people the right pensions at the right time…
09 April 2021

Pay the right people the right pensions at the right time…

All a successful trustee needs to do is meet three little tests…pay the right people the right pensions at the right time. If these tests are met, then the job is done well.

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What will stand out when we look back on the Pensions Act 2021?
09 April 2021

What will stand out when we look back on the Pensions Act 2021?

Pension Dashboards and climate transition will be the enduring hallmarks of the Pensions Act 2021. But it’s Clause 107, now known as Section 107, and the Pensions Regulator’s (TPR’s) new Defined Benefit (DB) funding code that will generate headlines in the UK’s post-Brexit, post-pandemic economy. It remains to be seen if these will garner or dent saver confidence in pensions.

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Communication is key in regulation
09 April 2021

Communication is key in regulation

Liz Hickey outlines how highlighting the Pensions Regulator’s (TPR’s) activities through regular communications has been crucial in becoming a clear, quick, tough regulator. As well as deterring law-breaking, publishing lessons learned helps employers, trustees and administrators be clear about their responsibilities and avoid pitfalls.

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Engaging with fund managers to deliver better ESG outcomes
05 March 2021

Engaging with fund managers to deliver better ESG outcomes

Voting and engagement are crucial aspects of responsible ownership and valuable tools for encouraging companies to adopt better standards of corporate governance and management of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues. Here, River and Mercantile’s Ajeet Manjrekar explains how fiduciary managers can support trustees to meet their regulatory obligations by challenging and influencing underlying fund managers’ behaviour and policies.

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Reporting on Dalriada Trustees’ first year as a PRI signatory
05 March 2021

Reporting on Dalriada Trustees’ first year as a PRI signatory

Dalriada Trustees became a signatory to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) in September 2019, the first Professional Trustee firm in the UK to do so. Over the last year or so we have been working to better incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors both within how we undertake our role as trustee and in how we operate internally.

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