Pensions Aspects Magazine

PMI Crest
The Rule of Six: Six top tips for managing risk
09 April 2021

The Rule of Six: Six top tips for managing risk

Trustees are legally required to have adequate internal controls in place for their scheme, and this includes procedures to manage risk. To comply with the Pensions Regulator’s Code of Practice on internal controls, trustees must be able to evidence the internal controls that ensure they remain satisfied that their scheme is being well managed in accordance with the law and the scheme’s rules.

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Heuristics and bias in trustee decision-making
09 April 2021

Heuristics and bias in trustee decision-making

Psychological research has shown that human decisionmaking is subject to numerous fallacies and biases. Experts’ decisions across a wide range of critical domains, including medicine and finance, are also demonstrably susceptible and so understanding bias and how it affects decisions is crucial for improving decisionmaking in a wide range of contexts. Funded by the Actuarial Research Centre of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, and with the support of Aon, who provided us with access to pension trustees, we conducted a series of controlled experiments designed to test for the use of decision heuristics in trustees.

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Recourse and your journey plan can you get there from here?
09 April 2021

Recourse and your journey plan can you get there from here?

The strength of the covenant will, in part, determine how much risk a scheme can take on its funding journey and, therefore, how long a scheme will take to achieve its long-term funding target. The starting point in evaluating the covenant is understanding where the legal obligation to your pension scheme lies.

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A tough ask: saving for an ill-defined event at an indeterminate date
09 April 2021

A tough ask: saving for an ill-defined event at an indeterminate date

How can you encourage people to save for retirement when they can’t be sure what retirement will mean, when it will happen, or how much they’ll need for it? Laura Stewart-Smith, Aviva’s Head of Workplace Savings and Retirement, looks at recent research to understand this dilemma – and how we might resolve it – within our present age of ambiguity.

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Not just letters after my name
09 April 2021

Not just letters after my name

I started my Advanced Diploma in Retirement Provision (ADRP) journey in April 2017, sitting two exams at once – a mistake I did not repeat! Thankfully, I passed both and learned that hard work does pay off when it comes to PMI exams. That is why I feel a great sense of accomplishment having completed the ADRP.

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Born to Run
09 April 2021

Born to Run

Dominic Croft is the Chairman of the Examination Committee which oversees the PMI’s Certificate in Pensions Calculations (CPC) qualification; a role he has fulfilled for more than 10 years. Dominic has been heavily involved with the PMI in many capacities and in 2013 he won the award for the ‘Outstanding Contribution to the PMI’. Dominic was one the PMI’s inaugural group of Fellowship Network Ambassadors.

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