Pensions Aspects Magazine

PMI Crest
COVID-19: passing clouds?
08 June 2020

COVID-19: passing clouds?

Looking out of my window at the beautiful spring, the skies are clearer and more peaceful. This, though, is a view across my garden as I have been working from home for weeks now as part of the COVID-19 lockdown.

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Scheme funding in the time of coronavirus
08 June 2020

Scheme funding in the time of coronavirus

Don’t let the virus spread to your scheme’s funding arrangements – What can you do now to protect your scheme?

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Sustainability and development in the world of pension schemes
08 June 2020

Sustainability and development in the world of pension schemes

Sustainability is the buzz word of the moment, and in the current climate, a sustainable approach to pensions is more important than ever before.

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Will it be different?
08 June 2020

Will it be different?

Given the extra time one has to contemplate at present (no commuting), I ask myself if life – a pension trustee’s life – will be different after this all ends?

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TPR helps savers make informed decisions as we all navigate the effects of COVID-19
08 June 2020

TPR helps savers make informed decisions as we all navigate the effects of COVID-19

One of the ways we are protecting pensions as we all navigate the effects of the coronavirus crisis, is to help savers steer clear of knee-jerk financial decisions.

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5 Golden rules for member engagement using technology
08 June 2020

5 Golden rules for member engagement using technology

These golden rules are intended to be the cornerstones in helping Master Trusts build better digital servicing for members.

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