Pensions Aspects Magazine

PMI Crest
Testing times
17 July 2020

Testing times

The COVID-19 driven crash across return-seeking assets and subsequent bounce (at least at the time of writing), have provided a serious test of pension schemes’ investment strategies. The investment performance across Defined Benefit (DB) schemes has been mixed. As with any crisis – albeit we may still be in the early stages of this one – we can take away some useful lessons.

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PMI GMP Webinar: grasp the nettle
17 July 2020

PMI GMP Webinar: grasp the nettle

Here are the key takeaways from a PMI webinar on the prickly subject of GMP equalisation. Report by Stephanie Hawthorne

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Qualifications in unprecedented times
17 July 2020

Qualifications in unprecedented times

When we look at strategic investment in a pensions setting, then this will obviously guide us down the avenue of product rather than person. However, education is fundamental to development and growth. Education is also a strategic investment in its own right. Simply put, investments in quality education lead to more rapid and sustainable economic growth, and development for both the individual organisation and the economy as a whole. I make no apology for the insistence that education in this form is ‘strategic investment’ but without this as a holistic back note then none of the normal organisational processes would matter or run efficiently.

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A recap on RPI reform
17 July 2020

A recap on RPI reform

Earlier this year, the Government and the UK Statistics Authority (the UKSA) launched a consultation on proposals to address the ‘shortcomings’ in the Retail Prices Index (RPI). Responses to the consultation can be submitted until 21 August 2020, following an extension in light of COVID-19.

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The Pension Schemes Bill 2020: clause 107 are we right to be concerned?
17 July 2020

The Pension Schemes Bill 2020: clause 107 are we right to be concerned?

A survey of our members revealed that 80% are concerned about the proposed criminal offences contained in section 107 of the Pension Schemes Bill. The survey also identified a small number of members who expressed a degree of unfamiliarity as to what Section 107 will mean in practice and this note includes a high level summary of the offences.

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The Changing Landscape of Pensions and Master Trusts
17 July 2020

The Changing Landscape of Pensions and Master Trusts

The first essay in a series of six produced by the PMI’s Master Trust Innovation Workstream provides the background to the subsequent essays by setting out how we expect the market to look in five to ten years’ time.

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