Pensions Aspects Magazine

PMI Crest
Defined Benefit Master Trusts as a consolidator?
11 May 2020

Defined Benefit Master Trusts as a consolidator?

Pension scheme consolidation has been on the government’s agenda for a while now, and the Pensions Regulator has said that people saving for their retirement are better served by big schemes than by small ones. The Regulator feels that larger schemes can benefit from economies of scale, more effective and efficient investment strategies and improved governance.

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DB transfers in the time of COVID-19
11 May 2020

DB transfers in the time of COVID-19

Transfers from Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes are an emotive topic at the best of times. In these uncertain times, the focus on them is bound to increase. We have already heard anecdotal evidence of an increase in interest in transfers, driven by members who have concerns about their jobs and the ongoing viability of their employers, and who are thinking of a transfer as a potential way to access more income if needed.

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Trustee meetings in an ongoing crisis situation
11 May 2020

Trustee meetings in an ongoing crisis situation

Trustees of pension schemes – like all of us – are operating in unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that, almost overnight, trustee boards have had to adapt to working remotely and getting to grips with virtual meetings.

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Thank heavens for GDPR!
11 May 2020

Thank heavens for GDPR!

Anyone involved in pensions will remember how 2018 saw us grappling with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), scrutinising pension schemes’ data processes and asking hard questions about cyber security. However, many of us will now be saying ‘thank heavens for GDPR’ – without that, we might not have been able to rise to the challenge of homeworking with anything like the same degree of success.

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ESG momentum – the promise of better investment returns?
11 May 2020

ESG momentum – the promise of better investment returns?

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) was the investment hot topic of 2020. But the events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic have taken centre stage. ESG is still very relevant and for those who are still asking “how can I reduce the ESG risks in my portfolio without sacrificing investment returns?”, Emily Forsyth-Davies explains…

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TPR remains focused on supporting savers, employers and pensions schemes as they navigate COVID-19
11 May 2020

TPR remains focused on supporting savers, employers and pensions schemes as they navigate COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world. What has not changed is our resolute support for savers and the people who run pension schemes.

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