Pensions Aspects Magazine

PMI Crest
Pension scams: making the message to members clear
05 February 2021

Pension scams: making the message to members clear

Pension scams aren’t new, yet we’re still fully focused on tackling them. Why? Because we’re losing the battle of communications. Across any industry, success is not about the superiority of a product or service. It doesn’t necessarily matter how good it is; it’s how well you sell it. It’s merely a battle of perception. And the scammers are winning.

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You say tomato, I say… Equality versus equity in education
05 February 2021

You say tomato, I say… Equality versus equity in education

COVID-19 is causing us to challenge deep-rooted notions of when, where and how we deliver education, of the role of education providers, the importance of lifelong learning, and the distinction we draw between traditional and nontraditional learners… COVID-19 has struck our education system and shaken it to its core.

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Pensions Aspects January 2021
06 January 2021

Pensions Aspects January 2021

Positivity is a superpower. Read the latest issue on succeeding in a post pandemic world.

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Long term funding: start with the end in mind
06 January 2021

Long term funding: start with the end in mind

As we emerge from a COVID world, setting long-term funding targets is a key 2021 focus for trustees. Galvanised by The Pensions Regulator (TPR)’s. new Defined Benefit (DB) funding code of practice, trustees and sponsors need to pay acute attention to the maturing status of their DB schemes. TPR expects trustees to determine a clear journey plan towards a lower risk position as they close in on their goal.

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Lessons to learn from experience for pension schemes
06 January 2021

Lessons to learn from experience for pension schemes

A recent survey carried out by Barnett Waddingham asked trustees to identify the risks they were most concerned about for their schemes. It also asked trustees to share their experience of the types of risk events that had crystallised for their schemes over the past three years.

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Everyone craves a bit of normality
06 January 2021

Everyone craves a bit of normality

When the Department of Work and Pensions announced plans to use the Simpler Annual Statement as an industry standard, some schemes insisted that their whizzy, innovative communication was better. But maybe a predictable vanilla flavour of communication is what members really need.

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