The Pensions Ombudsman: journey so far and future plans
15 November 2021

The Pensions Ombudsman: journey so far and future plans

It is an understatement to say that the last 18 months have been challenging as we adapted to the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these challenges, during 2020/21 we closed 4,853 complaints, representing an increase of almost 6%, when compared to 2019/20.

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Getting small to medium sized schemes ready for buyout
15 November 2021

Getting small to medium sized schemes ready for buyout

The Pension Schemes Act 2021 has put in place the legislative framework for the new defined benefit (DB) scheme funding regime, which will include the requirement for trustees to set a long-term objective (LTO) for their scheme. For many trustees, the LTO will still mean buy-out.

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Governance – what can we learn from Master Trusts?
08 October 2021

Governance – what can we learn from Master Trusts?

Since the modern day Master Trust was first established in 2012, they have become a phenomenon and are now amongst the most popular form of Defined Contribution (DC) Pensions Savings. One of the key factors to their success has been the governance structure underpinning them. From The Pension Regulator’s authorisation and supervision regime, to the efficient operation of the Board, Master Trusts have proved that strong governance does lead to better outcomes. This article explores the key learnings from Master Trusts and whether these principles can be applied to other pension schemes.

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Responsible investment beyond the coronavirus
08 October 2021

Responsible investment beyond the coronavirus

How the investment community can help advance the environmental gains that have come out of COVID-19

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PMI Scotland Seminar - the new normal?
08 October 2021

PMI Scotland Seminar - the new normal?

On 4 August 2021, the PMI Scotland Regional group held a webinar to discuss ‘the new normal’ for the financial services sector in Scotland, in light of the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. Four panellists lead the discussions.

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Mentor update
08 October 2021

Mentor update

The PMI Mentoring and Development Programme, sponsored by The People’s Pension, is delivered in conjunction with the Institute of Leadership & Management. Hear from our mentees and mentors from our 2021 programme.

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Pensions Aspects January 2017
06 January 2017

Pensions Aspects January 2017

The year ahead.

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