Pensions Aspects Magazine

PMI Crest
Keeping Up with TKU
15 November 2021

Keeping Up with TKU

Trustee Knowledge and Understanding (TKU) is not a new concept: introduced in 2006, it is a vital aspect of the modern trustee role, ever developing in scope. With further changes fast approaching, trustees need to be mindful of those which will impact them and when they come into force.

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Spotlight: pension scheme governance specialists
15 November 2021

Spotlight: pension scheme governance specialists

Everyone reading this will be familiar with the role of a pension scheme secretary. It has become a recognised and respected career in its own right. But this is by no means all pension scheme governance specialists do: the range is wide and incudes, for example, trustee executive services and secondments. 

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Your events are changing: what to expect in 2022
15 November 2021

Your events are changing: what to expect in 2022

The pandemic has changed the way we do many things, and events are no exception. For almost two years, all of our events have been virtual, but as the world slowly starts to resume some normality, the natural next step is to start bringing back in-person events.

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Six questions before hedging longevity
15 November 2021

Six questions before hedging longevity

As pension schemes de-risk, many are finding longevity risk is now their most significant risk. Many are now looking to mitigate this risk using longevity swaps. For schemes considering this route, there are key decisions to be made. Understanding these decisions could smooth the path for an effective longevity hedge, ultimately increasing the certainty of achieving a scheme’s target endgame.

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Why to consider taking the Advanced Diploma in Retirement Provision (ADRP)
15 November 2021

Why to consider taking the Advanced Diploma in Retirement Provision (ADRP)

I was a pensions consultant working in Aon’s retirement department. I spent my time providing scheme secretarial and consulting expertise to my portfolio of clients with a particular focus on scheme governance. I have worked at Aon for the past 13 years and my career journey in that time has been far from linear.

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Towards resilient pensions
15 November 2021

Towards resilient pensions

As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and COP26 recently underlined, this decade of climate action is urgent and non-negotiable. IPCC’s latest report painted a catastrophic picture of what could happen if we fail to limit global average temperature increases to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions need to halve by 2030, reach net zero around mid-century, and be negative during the second half of the century. The financial sector can make or break our ability to achieve a net zero economy by 2050 and the pension industry, with some of the world’s largest asset owners, has a crucial role to play.

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Full magazine editions

Pensions Aspects February 2019
04 February 2019

Pensions Aspects February 2019

Time for the emperor to get new clothes. Read the latest issue on a look at the upcoming trends in communication.

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Pensions Aspects January 2019
07 January 2019

Pensions Aspects January 2019

Welcome to the tour. Read the latest issue on the outlook for DB pensions as we enter 2019.

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Pensions Aspects November/December 2018
16 November 2018

Pensions Aspects November/December 2018

Investment principles. Read the latest issue on empowering trustees through clearer regulation.

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Pensions Aspects October 2018
12 October 2018

Pensions Aspects October 2018

DC child’s play. Read the latest issue on the perceived simplicity of managing DC pension schemes.

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Pensions Aspects September 2018
07 September 2018

Pensions Aspects September 2018

“Hello. I am new around here”. Read the latest issue on integrating robotics into the team.

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Pensions Aspects July/August 2018
13 July 2018

Pensions Aspects July/August 2018

Secluded destinations. Read the latest issue on exploring alternative investment strategies.

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