Reports and guides

PMI Crest
A multi-asset approach to navigating net zero
01 November 2021

A multi-asset approach to navigating net zero

From pledge to practice, read PMI Academy partner, BlackRock’s case study on net zero.

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No Member Left Behind
08 October 2021

No Member Left Behind

Technical News October 2021. 

Designing an inclusive engagement strategy

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Endgame Options
15 September 2021

Endgame Options

Technical News September 2021. 

A review of the market: with a focus on smaller defined benefit pension schemes

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Sustainable Investing
20 August 2021

Sustainable Investing

Read PMI Academy partner BlackRock's manual on sustainable investment. 

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Supporting good member decision making
20 August 2021

Supporting good member decision making

Read PMI Academy partner Spence’s manual on decision making.

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Can your investments help fight racism?
21 July 2021

Can your investments help fight racism?

In business, diversity can be the difference between success and failure. But while progress towards racial equity has been frustratingly slow, pressure is now mounting on companies and investors to act.

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