Pensions Aspects Magazine

PMI Crest
Why the Cheshire Cat should be leading your communication strategy
07 June 2021

Why the Cheshire Cat should be leading your communication strategy

When Alice asks the Cheshire Cat which way she should go, he says it “depends a good deal on where you want to get to”. When she says that she “doesn’t much care”, he points out that, in that case, “it doesn’t much matter which way you go”.

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How to start your Diversity & Inclusion journey
07 June 2021

How to start your Diversity & Inclusion journey

Organisations which encourage an inclusive culture can really benefit from the environment this can create for its people – helping to support fresh thinking and new ideas. While there might not be a quick route to creating a formal Diversity & Inclusion strategy, there are three core actions – which are explored in this article - that organisations can focus on when taking their first steps.

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Pensions Aspects May 2021
07 May 2021

Pensions Aspects May 2021

Crackdown on scams. Read the latest issue on complete data protection.

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Three top tips for managing trustees’ data responsibilities
07 May 2021

Three top tips for managing trustees’ data responsibilities

Pension schemes are veritable treasure troves of personal data, holding contact details, bank account specifics, and even scanned copies of passports and utility bills. And managing that data, from a trustee perspective, has never been more complicated and fraught with risk.

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Protecting member data – cyber risk in 2021
07 May 2021

Protecting member data – cyber risk in 2021

Risks related to cyber security are ever evolving, and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) recommends a dynamic response as fraudsters are constantly looking for new ways to get their hands on data. Trustees shouldn’t be complacent in relation to the data they hold, and should ensure they keep up-to-date in relation to cyber risks, incidents and controls.

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One giant leap
07 May 2021

One giant leap

We put a man on the moon back in the 1960s, so why can’t we get basic pension information online? One reason is our old friend poor data quality. It’s the Cinderella of the trustee agenda. Those are words I never thought I’d put together in the same sentence. I’ll blame it on lockdown.

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