The following units will be assessed via short answer questions only:
Defined Benefit Arrangements
The aim of the unit is to provide an in depth understanding of trust-based defined benefit (DB) arrangements, building on and utilising the knowledge gained in the core units and applying it in a variety of scenarios, recognising the requirements of different stakeholders.
Defined Contribution Arrangements
The aim of the unit is to provide an in depth understanding of trust and contract-based DC arrangements, building on and utilising the knowledge they have gained in the core units to show that they can apply this in a variety of scenarios and recognising the requirements of different stakeholders.
Professionalism and Governance
Candidates will acquire an in-depth understanding of professionalism and ethics, as well as the importance of continuing professional development. They will explore risk and governance issues in pension schemes, and apply these principles practically. Additionally, they will develop the ability to effectively communicate their knowledge to relevant audiences.
The above are all part of the Advanced Diploma in Retirement Provision qualification
The following qualification is assessed by multiple choice questions:
Retirement Provision Certificate
The Retirement Provision Certificate is ideal for employees new to pensions, support staff and those professionals working in related fields. It provides a broad introduction to pensions and other related benefits in the UK.
Certificate in Pension Trusteeship
Certificate in Pension Trusteeship (CPT qualification) will give those people wishing to become Accredited Trustees the necessary qualification to prove their knowledge, and their application of this knowledge, in their role as a Accredited Trustee.
Diploma in Pension Trusteeship
The Diploma in Pension Trusteeship is a new, standalone award, designed to show judgement when dealing with complex pensions issues, above and beyond technical knowledge. The aim of this qualification is to increase professionalism further and highlight the distinction between Lay/Member nominated trustees and Professional trustees qualified at the same level. The Diploma is the PMI’s first qualification to integrate ESG into its course material, making it a markedly more advanced qualification.
Please refer to the Pensions Trusteeship stream specification under 'useful resources' for further information regarding how the exams will be assessed.
Please note, we can only accept completion of units post 2016 only. Any exams passed pre 2016 would need to be taken again if you want to complete a particular steam.
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