Diploma in Pension Trusteeship

PMI Crest

This course is part of the following PMI Pathways...

The Diploma in Pension Trusteeship is a new, standalone award, designed to show judgement when dealing with complex pensions issues, above and beyond technical knowledge.

The aim of this qualification is to increase professionalism further and highlight the distinction between Lay/Member nominated trustees and Professional trustees qualified at the same level. The Diploma is the PMI’s first qualification to integrate ESG into its course material, making it a markedly more advanced qualification’

Who is this course for?


This Diploma will be of interest to a variety of PMI members and others acting as trustees of DB and DC workplace pension schemes including:

  • Members of Governance Committees
  • Trustees and Scheme Secretaries
  • Those who have completed the Pensions Regulator’s trustee Toolkit
  • Those interested in trusteeship

Learning support


There is no intention to produce any study materials to cover the technical content of this qualification, although there are many textbooks on the subject of trustees and trusteeship, and the PMI will provide a reading list of these plus journals and magazines for guidance (within Guidance Document).

It is envisaged that training materials/courses may be developed in future, via a series of ‘Masterclasses’.

Study time


This is also known as Total Qualification Time (TQT).

TQT is a measure required by Ofqual the qualifications regulator and is comprised of:

  • Guided Learning Hours (GLH). This means time spent being taught by an instructor (and not necessarily face to face);

Guided learning hours (GHL)              0              (Distance learning)

Self-study (SS)                                      160            (40 per learning outcome)

Formative Assessment (F)                  2              (Mock Exams)

Summative Assessment (S)                2              (Online Exams)

Total Assessment Time (TAT)              4              (F+S)

Total Qualification Time                     164 Hours (GLH+SS+TAT)   

  • Study Time. This means self-study/revision/reading
  • Assessment Time: This is both Formative and Summative (Mock Exams and Final Exams)

The above estimates are based on evidence we have gathered from users of our qualifications, past experience and benchmarking exercises. The evidence we have gathered indicates that there is considerable variation within the overall TQT estimates as blended approaches are common with differing mixes of Guided Learning and other elements which contribute to TQT.

These estimates are reviewed regularly.



Qualification Package (Non-Student Member) £573

Please note: To sit this qualification you must be at least a Student member of the PMI, currently £178 (Until August 2025) . The student membership year normally runs from the 1 September to 31 August. You do not have to apply for a PMI membership separately as the applicable price would be added to you cart while registering for the exam.

New students can take advantage of up to 3 months complimentary student membership by enrolling today.

For former PMI members enrolling in this qualification an additional re-instatement fee of £35 will also be applied at the check out stage.

Qualification Package (Current Student Member) £395

Re-Sit Fee (Current Student Member) £395

Re-Sit Fee (Non-Student Member) £573

Final certificate: Free of charge

Replacement certificate: £15 (PDF), £30 (hard copy)

Any questions?


Contact now

Next exam date | Monday, 8 July 2024 from 10:00 - 11:30.

Bookings are  now closed.

In order to sit this exam, you must ensure you adhere to the following:

  • Ensure you have access to a working webcam as you will be remotely invigilated
  • Ensure you have appropriate IT permission to download the Testreach exam app TestReach
  • Ensure you have read our policy here before making any bookings
  • Ensure you have read the Testreach documentation under 'useful resources'
  • Ensure you have read the guidance documents and learning support information
  • Ensure you have a look at the study skills website here, for valuable study tips