How satisfied have you been with the direction of pensions policy over the last 6 months?

How optimistic are you about the direction of pensions policy over the next 6 months?

How satisfied have you been with the activity of the Pensions Regulator over the last 6 months?

How confident are you that the Pensions Regulator will focus on the right areas in the next 6 months?

As we prepare for a new government, what do you think the pension policy priorities should be?

Under the proposed Pension Schemes Bill (which we expect to reappear post the general election in a similar form), what term best describes the powers that The Pensions Regulator will have?

Should the Government grasp the nettle of tax reform? If, so which option would you prefer?

Guy Opperman recently wrote to the 50 largest pension schemes about their ESG policy. What is your view about this direct intervention by the Minister?

Given the DWP's recent consultation on levies, do you think the cost of regulators is now out of control?med about ESG issues?

Which of the funding models do you believe is most appropriate for funding regulation?

Our fourth edition of PMI Pulse is now closed. Results to be published in June 2020.
Last update: 8 June 2020
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