8 June 2020

5 Golden rules for member engagement using technology

These golden rules are intended to be the cornerstones in helping Master Trusts build better digital servicing for members.

We understand that throughout different life stages there may be greater, less or different emphasis in certain areas. Our hope is that by collating and publishing these golden rules, members and trustees can understand what they can expect from their Master Trusts, and administrators and providers can prepare their development roadmap with the member at the forefront of their mind.

The Member Journey

  • Ensure the user journey is as frictionless and simple as possible (remember the acronym EAST: easy, attractive, social and timely).
  • Implement a clear and consistent design system for a rewarding and engaging experience.
  • Use images, graphics, buttons, icons and other user interface objects (e.g. calculators and budgeting tools) to lead members through a digital experience.
  • Funnel content so that information is revealed clearly & transparently in stages and as required, not all at once.
  • Identify the desired outcomes for members using the digital service, and focus on and measure how members manage to achieve these.

Security and Data

  • Promote the use of secure emails by all parties to encrypt emails that contain personal identifiable information (to comply with GDPR).
  • Ensure personal data is stored securely and is only used as required and as explicitly permitted by the member.
  • Encourage and promote connectivity with other platforms (e.g. Open Banking/ Pensions Dashboard etc.), to display a comprehensive view of a member’s pension/s and other related products.
  • Promote and maintain an appropriate plan for ensuring data quality e.g. engaging a data cleansing partner, tracing company and/or agreeing data assurance processes with employers.


  • Remove as many barriers (e.g. requiring data that may be hard to locate) and as much ‘friction’ (e.g. process steps or click throughs) as possible from the member journey.
  • Promote a culture of test, learn, adapt and repeat by constantly assessing key analytics of how members are using digital services and feed the results of this into future developments/ enhancements.
  • Ensure website compatibility across all devices by adopting a ‘Mobile First’ mindset (i.e. start with the smartphone experience and then extrapolate).
  • Maximise consumer digital experiences and the benchmark for an exceptional user experience.


  • Think inclusive - build digital experiences which are accessible to everyone, regardless of age or ability. Focus on groups such as those with English as Another Language (EAL), vision or age-related disabilities.
  • Make content available in multiple formats (paper, web-based and mobile phone friendly).
  • Comply with industry standard accessibility guidelines (e.g. W3C) and aim for a best-in-class solution.

Personalisation, Communication, Language and Education

  • Think first about the information needs of the member (what they need as well as when and why they need it), and nudge people at opportune moments (e.g. birthdays, anniversaries and/ or changes in life stages such as a promotion, marriage, birth in family and/ or moving home).
  • Include digital communications within the Communications Plan/Strategy.
  • Write for the audience and ensure it’s easy to understand. Adhere to Plain English guidelines wherever possible.
  • Avoid jargon and acronyms or, if necessary, provide a glossary of terms.
  • Members should be written to at least twice once they pass their NRD.
  • Help members understand their Pension Statement. Make it available digitally, use a common language and show real examples using the member’s data where practical.

This article was featured in Pensions Aspects magazine June 2020 edition

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Last update: 23 April 2021

Technology and Engagement workstream
Technology and Engagement workstream
PMI Master Trust Working Group

Pensions Business Analyst

Salary: £1 - £45000 pa

Location: twice per week in London office - flexible working hours

Senior Pensions Administrator

Salary: Excellent

Location: Surrey

Senior Pensions Data Technician (Scheme Events)

Salary: £40000 - £45000 pa

Location: Remote work