The LSI whitepaper release

The LSI whitepaper release

Tackling the challenges faced by the typical UK citizen in their efforts to manage the day-to-day, whilst working to secure their financial future.

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Lessons from home and abroad

Lessons from home and abroad

Mapping the key pinch-points facing UK savers - Delve deeper into what our research tells us.

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Our Chair, Ruston Smith, on the Lifetime Savings Initiative

Our Chair, Ruston Smith, on the Lifetime Savings Initiative


"As this is such an important societal problem, spanning across a number of regulatory regimes, we want to share our insights and take a collaborative approach to broaden the discussion. We want this initiative to be a real force for positive change, to help people have easier and better choices and therefore better outcomes and greater financial security.”

LSI Introduction and Panel Discussion

LSI Introduction and Panel Discussion

Watch a brief introduction to the LSI, followed by a panel discussion featuring Schroders, the Pensions Management Institute, and TISA (the Investing and Savings Alliance). The panel summarises key challenges faced by UK citizens in their lifetime savings journey, including issues of affordability, financial literacy, complexity, and behavioural biases.

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The LSI symposium at the Annual Conference 2024

The LSI symposium at the Annual Conference 2024

This symposium delves into:

- The future is bigger than pensions

- Understanding the drivers and pain points

- Solutions for a brighter future for all

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Read the full breakdown from PMI news

Read the full breakdown from PMI news

The PMI & Schroders are excited to announce the public launch of the Lifetime Savings initiative (LSI), a pioneering project set up to highlight the real challenges facing UK savers.

The Lifetime Savings Initiative brings together industry leaders from across the savings and pension landscape.


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More on the Lifetime Savings Initiative

Explore additional extensive research from the PMI & Schroders on the LSI Initiative.