
PMI Crest

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From thought leadership to technical pieces, knowledge hub keeps our members and pensions professionals up to date with the recent developments in the industry.

Pensions is boring: what can Master Trusts do about it?
07 June 2021

Pensions is boring: what can Master Trusts do about it?

Some of you may have attended the PMI’s webinar in April where I spoke about whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are the panacea for pension engagement, and considered where we, as an industry, are going wrong on engagement. As can be seen from the graph below, there was a recognition that pensions engagement strategies aren’t very effective, with only 36% of respondents to a live poll on the day believing that their strategy was really effective. From this we can probably tell that there still appears to be a considerable amount of work to do.

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Influencing for good: responsible investing in 2020
07 June 2021

Influencing for good: responsible investing in 2020

2020 was a year none of us could have predicted, as the COVID-19 pandemic changed much about the way we live and work. Yet our commitment to responsible investment at BMO remained as clear as ever. We continued to allocate our capital responsibly and engage companies on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, reflecting our corporate purpose of boldly growing the good in business and in life.

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Why the Cheshire Cat should be leading your communication strategy
07 June 2021

Why the Cheshire Cat should be leading your communication strategy

When Alice asks the Cheshire Cat which way she should go, he says it “depends a good deal on where you want to get to”. When she says that she “doesn’t much care”, he points out that, in that case, “it doesn’t much matter which way you go”.

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Winning in a virtual world
07 June 2021

Winning in a virtual world

“Welcome, it’s lovely to meet you!” I say enthusiastically, studying the new face on my screen. With a lack of body language and visual cues to help me, I find myself searching my new colleague’s backdrop for clues to her personality and interests. It doesn’t give much away, but after spying a cat picture on the wall, I get the sneaking suspicion that we will get on just fine.

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Climate risk update - a quick guide
07 June 2021

Climate risk update - a quick guide

The Pension Schemes Act 2021 (the Act) introduces a requirement for occupational pension schemes to manage the effects of climate change as a financial risk, and to report on how they have done so in line with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. A compliance framework regarding the new duties will be put in place, including additional powers being given to The Pensions Regulator (TPR).

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The role of technology in member communications and engagement
07 June 2021

The role of technology in member communications and engagement

It’s been well over a year since our first national lockdown and life has changed considerably for many pension scheme members since then.

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Pensions is boring: what can Master Trusts do about it?
07 June 2021

Pensions is boring: what can Master Trusts do about it?

Some of you may have attended the PMI’s webinar in April where I spoke about whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors are the panacea for pension engagement, and considered where we, as an industry, are going wrong on engagement. As can be seen from the graph below, there was a recognition that pensions engagement strategies aren’t very effective, with only 36% of respondents to a live poll on the day believing that their strategy was really effective. From this we can probably tell that there still appears to be a considerable amount of work to do.

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Influencing for good: responsible investing in 2020
07 June 2021

Influencing for good: responsible investing in 2020

2020 was a year none of us could have predicted, as the COVID-19 pandemic changed much about the way we live and work. Yet our commitment to responsible investment at BMO remained as clear as ever. We continued to allocate our capital responsibly and engage companies on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, reflecting our corporate purpose of boldly growing the good in business and in life.

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Why the Cheshire Cat should be leading your communication strategy
07 June 2021

Why the Cheshire Cat should be leading your communication strategy

When Alice asks the Cheshire Cat which way she should go, he says it “depends a good deal on where you want to get to”. When she says that she “doesn’t much care”, he points out that, in that case, “it doesn’t much matter which way you go”.

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Winning in a virtual world
07 June 2021

Winning in a virtual world

“Welcome, it’s lovely to meet you!” I say enthusiastically, studying the new face on my screen. With a lack of body language and visual cues to help me, I find myself searching my new colleague’s backdrop for clues to her personality and interests. It doesn’t give much away, but after spying a cat picture on the wall, I get the sneaking suspicion that we will get on just fine.

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Climate risk update - a quick guide
07 June 2021

Climate risk update - a quick guide

The Pension Schemes Act 2021 (the Act) introduces a requirement for occupational pension schemes to manage the effects of climate change as a financial risk, and to report on how they have done so in line with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. A compliance framework regarding the new duties will be put in place, including additional powers being given to The Pensions Regulator (TPR).

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The role of technology in member communications and engagement
07 June 2021

The role of technology in member communications and engagement

It’s been well over a year since our first national lockdown and life has changed considerably for many pension scheme members since then.

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