
PMI Crest

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From thought leadership to technical pieces, knowledge hub keeps our members and pensions professionals up to date with the recent developments in the industry.

Protecting member data – cyber risk in 2021
07 May 2021

Protecting member data – cyber risk in 2021

Risks related to cyber security are ever evolving, and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) recommends a dynamic response as fraudsters are constantly looking for new ways to get their hands on data. Trustees shouldn’t be complacent in relation to the data they hold, and should ensure they keep up-to-date in relation to cyber risks, incidents and controls.

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One giant leap
07 May 2021

One giant leap

We put a man on the moon back in the 1960s, so why can’t we get basic pension information online? One reason is our old friend poor data quality. It’s the Cinderella of the trustee agenda. Those are words I never thought I’d put together in the same sentence. I’ll blame it on lockdown.

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How pensions dashboards differ from open banking
07 May 2021

How pensions dashboards differ from open banking

Pensions dashboards will make it easier for individuals to see all of their pensions information securely, online and all in one place. This opening up of pensions data has led to comparisons between pensions dashboards and open banking. One of the questions I am most frequently asked is ‘why can’t you just copy open banking?’

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Cautious optimism across hiring and job searching, with continuing competition for talented pensions professionals
07 May 2021

Cautious optimism across hiring and job searching, with continuing competition for talented pensions professionals

Our 2020 Annual Salary Survey, 19th edition, provides detailed insight into market trends, with invaluable contributions from employers and employees sharing specific data and views. As a niche pensions recruiter, we draw on this research, coupled with our industry knowledge, to provide bespoke benchmarking, market insight and recruitment advice.

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GMP equalisation: getting your data strategy locked down
07 May 2021

GMP equalisation: getting your data strategy locked down

Whether you have started your Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) equalisation journey or it is still on your ‘to do’ list, it is no doubt a complex and daunting project. In this article, we share some insights gained from working with early movers that may make your life easier and hopefully provide some reassurance.

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The journey to net zero
07 May 2021

The journey to net zero

For professional clients only

Five years ago, adding an environmental, social and governance (ESG) tilt to your investment portfolio was seen as a nice-to-have. Today, there is a recognition that if you don’t consider this, it will impact performance. This has added pressure to time-pressed pension trustees to consider the potential effect of climate change on their scheme’s investments.

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Protecting member data – cyber risk in 2021
07 May 2021

Protecting member data – cyber risk in 2021

Risks related to cyber security are ever evolving, and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) recommends a dynamic response as fraudsters are constantly looking for new ways to get their hands on data. Trustees shouldn’t be complacent in relation to the data they hold, and should ensure they keep up-to-date in relation to cyber risks, incidents and controls.

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One giant leap
07 May 2021

One giant leap

We put a man on the moon back in the 1960s, so why can’t we get basic pension information online? One reason is our old friend poor data quality. It’s the Cinderella of the trustee agenda. Those are words I never thought I’d put together in the same sentence. I’ll blame it on lockdown.

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How pensions dashboards differ from open banking
07 May 2021

How pensions dashboards differ from open banking

Pensions dashboards will make it easier for individuals to see all of their pensions information securely, online and all in one place. This opening up of pensions data has led to comparisons between pensions dashboards and open banking. One of the questions I am most frequently asked is ‘why can’t you just copy open banking?’

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Cautious optimism across hiring and job searching, with continuing competition for talented pensions professionals
07 May 2021

Cautious optimism across hiring and job searching, with continuing competition for talented pensions professionals

Our 2020 Annual Salary Survey, 19th edition, provides detailed insight into market trends, with invaluable contributions from employers and employees sharing specific data and views. As a niche pensions recruiter, we draw on this research, coupled with our industry knowledge, to provide bespoke benchmarking, market insight and recruitment advice.

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GMP equalisation: getting your data strategy locked down
07 May 2021

GMP equalisation: getting your data strategy locked down

Whether you have started your Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) equalisation journey or it is still on your ‘to do’ list, it is no doubt a complex and daunting project. In this article, we share some insights gained from working with early movers that may make your life easier and hopefully provide some reassurance.

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The journey to net zero
07 May 2021

The journey to net zero

For professional clients only

Five years ago, adding an environmental, social and governance (ESG) tilt to your investment portfolio was seen as a nice-to-have. Today, there is a recognition that if you don’t consider this, it will impact performance. This has added pressure to time-pressed pension trustees to consider the potential effect of climate change on their scheme’s investments.

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