PMI Crest
Trustee Fortnight

Trustee Fortnight

14 July 2020 | 28 July 2020

Trustee fortnight

Trustee fortnight is an online series specifically designed for our Trustee Group Members including professional and member-nominated trustees. The event will feature presentations from across the industry, who will provide insight and training to our members through CPD accredited webinars. 

Trustee fortnight Virtual Event covers a range of topics affecting professional, independent and member-nominated trustees, including communication, DB endgame options, ESG, COVID-19 exit strategies, Investment climate post-Brexit, De-risking and more as we navigate these uncharted waters.

We want to provide you with insights and resources from your peers working through unprecedented challenges at their organisations.

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    free for member and non-members
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    1 hour

    of CPD per session
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Event Details


Topics of discussion:
  • Pension fund de-risking
  • Planning for the Endgame – Helping Trustees navigate their options and responsibilities
  • Employer covenant – Balance in the Bounce Back
  • Bulk annuities post COVID – Getting engagement and value from insurers
  • Understanding the Regulator’s approach and expectations with regard to scheme funding
  • DC benefit statements: How to communicate alarming news effectively
  • The investment landscape post COVID/Brexit
  • Does your scheme require a professional Trustee?
  • Impact on the markets of different COVID-19 exit strategies
  • Make (insolvency) law in haste, repent at leisure?
  • Financial Wellbeing
  • Introducing: RetirementMatters financial education that bridges the gap to retirement
  • ESG
  • Technology in the Boardroom
  • Trusteeship in a Digital Age
Who should attend:

Whether your current work environment is a home office, kitchen table, or hiding from the kids in your bathtub, you can join Trustee fortnight (whether live or at your own pace!) as we chat through front-of-mind topics and solutions.

The venue
Event Venue Brighttalk 2
  • Location


14 July | 10:00 – 11:00
Pension fund de-risking
James Butcher
James Butcher
Insight Investment
Senior Solution Designer, Client Solutions Group

This session considers how pension funds have adapted over time in response to evolving strategic challenges, learning from experiences presented by the recent market volatility resulting from COVID-19 and looking forward, further adaptations that may be required to limit uncertainty around meeting long term funding objectives.

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15 July | 10:00 – 11:00
Planning for the Endgame – Helping Trustees navigate their options and responsibilities
Sebastian Reger
Sebastian Reger
Travers Smith
Finance and Investment Partner
Daniel Gerring
Daniel Gerring
Travers Smith
Partner and Head of Pensions
Adolfo Aponte
Adolfo Aponte
Lincoln Pensions
Managing Director

Planning for the endgame has become a priority for DB trustees as insurers, asset managers, and consultants, as well as third party consolidators and capital-backed structures, bring to market different solutions to manage pension liabilities to maturity. How do trustees determine which path is right for their scheme? What are the trustees’ legal responsibilities?

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16 July | 10:00 – 10:45
Bulk annuities post COVID – Getting engagement and value from insurers
Rob Mechem
Rob Mechem
Director of DB Business Development

The bulk annuity market seems to have withstood the impact of COVID, but what’s changed? Is the market still supply driven after COVID? How should trustees prepare assets for a bulk annuity? Will there be a return to the end of year sale? What data must be supplied to secure pricing and what can wait until after the transaction? This session will provide practical advice for trustees considering a bulk annuity.

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16 July | 11:30 – 12:30
Employer covenant – Balance in the Bounce Back
Judith Anunda
Judith Anunda
Lincoln Pensions
Richard E Farr
Richard E Farr
Lincoln Pensions
Managing Director
Peter Hughes
Peter Hughes
Travers Smith

Pensions managers and trustees are facing a difficult situation: although employer affordability is starting to benefit from lockdown restrictions easing, many employers have been left financially vulnerable and at risk of a second wave. Some have sought to defer pension contributions. This situation is difficult to balance with increasing pressure on trustees to act prudently from TPR’s new code of funding consultation and the Pension Schemes Bill.

In this panel discussion, we will explore how a constructive employer-trustee relationship centred around information sharing and journey planning can be used to align a sponsor’s strategic needs with successful outcomes for members.

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17 July | 10:00 – 11:00
Understanding the Regulator's approach and expectations regarding scheme funding
Fiona Frobisher
Fiona Frobisher
The Pensions Regulator
Head of Policy

Fiona Frobisher will discuss the Pension Regulator’s approach to scheme funding in light of changing circumstances:

  • What changes has the regulator made to how it regulates scheme funding in light of Covid-19?
  • What does the regulator expect the impact of changes to the economy to be on schemes and savers?
  • What is happening in the consultation on scheme funding code?
  • How do superfunds fit into the picture?

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17 July | 14:30 – 15:30
DC benefit statements: How to communicate alarming news effectively
Joe Craig
Joe Craig
Development Lead

Shocks to the stock market leave people worrying that their pension pot has been hammered. When people are worried they look for simplicity and certainty. When they feel powerless they look for something they can do - anything. This leads to action - simple, certain action - that isn’t always in their best interests. You know that when the next statement lands, the figures might be alarming. You can’t hide that.

So how do you give people the bad news in a way that helps people think about the long-term? In a way that builds trust instead of damaging it? In a way that makes them feel like their pension is still worthwhile?

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20 July | 10:00 – 11:00
The investment landscape post COVID-19/Brexit
Katie O'Sullivan
Katie O'Sullivan
Willis Towers Watson
Senior Director, Investment
Craig Baker
Craig Baker
Willis Towers Watson
Global Chief Investment Officer

The session will cover the changing market backdrop, what the recent volatility could mean for portfolios and opportunities within specific asset classes, the importance of sustainability in the new world and possible actions to take going forwards. As part of this, the idea of ‘portfolio quality’ and the importance of testing portfolios across a range of different metrics, not just risk and return (efficiency) will be discussed.

Looking wider than just risk and return can identify areas of weakness in portfolios that might not have been considered previously. 

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21 July | 14:00 – 15:00
Does your scheme require a professional trustee?
Steve Delo
Steve Delo
PAN Trustees

In conversation with Steve Delo of PAN Trustees. Tim Middleton, Director of Policy and External Affairs at the PMI will be putting topical questions to Steve in relation to the benefits and challenges of appointing a professional trustee to a pension scheme.

The discussion will look at the role of trustees more generally and examine potential risks and issues that can develop at Board level. Speakers will consider different models and approaches that can be implemented to maximise efficiencies for a scheme.

There will also be the opportunity to put your own questions forward during a live Q&A session.

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22 July | 10:00 – 11:00
Impact on the markets of different COVID-19 exit strategies
Adam Saron
Adam Saron
Founder and CEO
Antony Barker
Antony Barker
The Pension SuperFund
Managing Director
Alan Baker
Alan Baker
Law Debenture

This webinar brings together speakers from The Pensions Superfund, Clara-Pensions and Law Debenture to discuss consolidation, as a potential exit strategy for pension schemes. Speakers will examine the new TPR interim regime and discuss how DB consolidation is likely to develop particularly in light of Covid-19 developments. The panel will answer pertinent questions including: Under what circumstances might a trustee board consider consolidation? What are the risks? And when is consolidation likely to begin.

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24 July | 10:00 – 11:00
Make (insolvency) law in haste, repent at leisure?
Charlotte Cartwright
Charlotte Cartwright
Eversheds Sutherland
Legal Director, Pensions
David Gray
David Gray
Eversheds Sutherland
Harriet Sayer
Harriet Sayer
Eversheds Sutherland
Principal Associate

The new Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 has been heralded by many as the most significant insolvency reforms for a generation. This new Act was fast-tracked through parliament to help companies struggling in the wake of COVID-19, attracting significant debate and newspaper headlines along the way. What are those reforms, and what do they mean from a pensions perspective – both if an employer enters into one, and for broader trustee decisions?

These are some of the questions that we will consider on this webinar.

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27 July | 10:00 – 11:00
Financial Wellbeing
Kathryn Sinclair
Kathryn Sinclair
WEALTH at work
Corporate Relationship Manager
Suzanne Duke
Suzanne Duke
University of Sheffield
Head of Reward

Financial wellbeing is high on the university’s HR agenda and it is committed to encouraging employees to take control of their finances, particularly their pension planning. Supporting pension scheme members to make informed decisions and achieve better outcomes also helps the university increase engagement and can be an effective workforce planning tool.

Working with a member base with multiple, and often complex pension arrangements meant a specialist provider of financial education services was right for UoS.

Join Suzanne and Kath in conversation with Lesley Alexander, Vice President of the PMI to hear how they created the programme, what has resulted from this successful collaboration and most recently, how they managed when COVID-19 prevented onsite learning taking place.

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27 July | 11:30 – 12:00
Introducing: RetirementMatters financial education that bridges the gap to retirement
Tim Middleton
Tim Middleton
Director and Policy and External Affairs
Jonathan Watts-Lay
Jonathan Watts-Lay
WEALTH at work
Lesley Carline
Lesley Carline

The PMI is delighted to announce the launch of a new retirement focused financial education service to help employees and pension scheme members understand how to make the most of their lifetime savings and benefits. This unique educational programme is supported by WEALTH at work, a specialist provider of financial education and guidance in the workplace.

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27 July | 14:30 – 15:30
Stuart O’Brien
Stuart O’Brien
Ralph McClelland
Ralph McClelland

Where next for ESG?

Sackers partners, Stuart O'Brien and Ralph McClelland will provide an update on recent regulatory developments in ESG and climate risk reporting. The session will cover:

  • The changes required to statements of investment principles (SIPs) for 1 October 2020
  • Preparing for the new annual implementation statement requirements from 1 October 2020
  • Forthcoming requirements on climate-risk reporting, including changes to be introduced under the Pensions Schemes Bill and TCFD reporting for trustees.

The session will provide a recap of what is required by Trustees (and when), making sense of the trickier requirements applying to implementation statements under the legislation, and will provide practical tips to help Trustees prepare and avoid traps for the unwary.

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28 July | 12:00 – 13:00
Technology in the Boardroom
Robert Barham-Brown
Robert Barham-Brown
Senior Customer Success Manager

Over recent months, pension trustees have had to adapt to a remote working environment, creating a host of new challenges. Not least to board meetings, which have undergone radical changes to their long-established procedures.


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28 July | 14:00 – 14:45
Trusteeship in a Digital Age
Chris Roberts
Chris Roberts
Dalriada Trustees

The onset of Covid-19 forcing lockdowns around the world has meant that businesses have had to pivot and adapt to remote working practices in order to keep continuity of service.  Trusteeship is no exception to this.

Chris Roberts, Director at Dalriada Trustees will cover how COVID-19 has provided a catalyst for adapting the trusteeship experience for all trustees, the tools that are developing and the key points of trusteeship that the pandemic has uncovered.

Watch the recording


Hear from the experts

James Butcher
James Butcher
Insight Investment
- Senior Solution Designer, Client Solutions Group

James joined Insight in March 2012 and is a Senior Solution Designer in the Client Solutions Group. James works on the design and delivery of investment solutions tailored to address the specific risk and return objectives of Insight’s clients. Prior to joining Insight, James spent two years at Deloitte as a manager providing investment consulting services to trustee and corporate pension fund clients. He began his career at Towers Watson in 2001 as a pension’s consultant and subsequently as an investment consultant. James holds a BSc (Hons) in Mathematical Sciences from Bath University and is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in the UK.

Fiona Frobisher
Fiona Frobisher
The Pensions Regulator
- Head of Policy

Fiona Frobisher is Head of Policy at the Pensions Regulator with responsibility for producing regulatory strategies, policies and products to help schemes, trustees and employers fulfill their duties and to ensure that TPR’s regulatory objectives are met.

Fiona joined Opra (the Pension Regulator’s predecessor) in 2002 before which she worked in the voluntary sector specialising in welfare legislation. 

Her current priorities are debating the future of trusteeship, developing a new DB funding framework, raising standards of administration and setting clear expectations for standards of governance in all pension schemes.

Steve Delo
Steve Delo
PAN Trustees
- Chairman

Steve is Chairman of PAN Trustees and a former President of the Pensions Management Institute. Prior to becoming an independent trustee, his career spanned senior roles in consulting and asset management. He is currently chair of trustees for a number of major UK DB and DC schemes, including prominent authorised Master Trust, the People’s Pension.

Steve has a collaborative, energetic and enthusiastic trusteeship style. He has significant experience of DB funding negotiations, covenant evaluation, conflicts management, Regulator engagement, DC governance and regulation, trustee team building, administration rectification issues, scheme restructuring, parent company guarantees, asset backed funding, investment strategy setting and flight planning, dynamic de-risking and adviser reviews.

He was twice named Engaged Investor’s Independent Trustee of the Year and listed several times in the Top 50 People in Pensions (by Pensions Insight).

Katie O'Sullivan
Katie O'Sullivan
Willis Towers Watson
- Senior Director, Investment

As a Senior Strategist, Katie impacts a wide range of Willis Towers Watson’s institutional clients, delivering customised investment advice and fiduciary solutions to pension schemes and charities with up to £5bn in assets. 

Through strong partnerships within Willis Towers Watson’s investment and actuarial teams, and in the wider industry with independent trustees and intermediaries, Katie works to identify clients’ and prospects’ investment needs, articulating their goals and objectives. As a Senior Director and member of the European Leadership group, Katie contributes to the continual development of Willis Towers Watson’s investment offerings to meet this evolving demand. 

Katie has a First Class Maths degree from Oxford University, is a CFA Charterholder and holds the Investment Management Certificate.

Craig Baker
Craig Baker
Willis Towers Watson
- Global Chief Investment Officer

Craig is the Global Chief Investment Officer at Willis Towers Watson. In this role Craig is ultimately responsible for all aspects of Willis Towers Watson's investment philosophy and process. The various research teams (Manager Research, Asset Research and Thinking Ahead), the portfolio management team within the fiduciary business and the content that makes its way into advisory portfolios are all ultimately his responsibility. This ensures there is a single investment philosophy and approach for all clients regardless of location or type of engagement with Willis Towers Watson. 

Craig is a member of the Global Steering Group, a ten-person group responsible for managing Willis Towers Watson's global investment practice. In addition, Craig is a member of the Global Portfolio Management Group, chairs the investment committee for Alliance Trust, a global equity investment trust managed by Willis Towers Watson, and a member of the investment committee of the Partners Fund, Willis Towers Watson's best-ideas growth assets portfolio.

Prior to taking on the CIO role in June 2014, Craig spent three years as Head of Investment Research and 15 years leading the Manager Research team at Willis Towers Watson. Craig joined Towers Watson in 1994.

Judith Anunda
Judith Anunda
Lincoln Pensions
- Director

Judy joined Lincoln Pensions in January 2014, having previously spent time at EY and Mercer, where she qualified as an actuary.
She has significant experience in advising trustees and corporates on managing their defined benefit pension risk, particularly from an IRM perspective.
Judy holds a BSc in Mathematics and Information Technology from the University of Western Sydney and an MSc Actuarial Finance from Imperial College.

Richard E Farr
Richard E Farr
Lincoln Pensions
- Managing Director

Richard has spent the last 15 years advising on covenant related matters to trustee, sponsors, and capital providers working across a wide range of sectors. In addition he understands the challenges facing sponsors of DB schemes from his experience as a main board director of several PLCs over a 20 year period.
He was the first TPR secondee in 2005 and established the concept of the Employer Covenant while he was there and the first advisor to The Pension Protection Fund (“PPF”) on their choice of risk-based levy provider.

Richard has held senior positions at BDO, Swiss Re and PwC, joining Lincoln Pensions in January 2016.

Adolfo Aponte
Adolfo Aponte
Lincoln Pensions
- Managing Director

Adolfo is a Managing Director at Lincoln Pensions, having joined from Lincoln International where he served in its corporate finance (M&A) division based in New York before moving to London in 2009. Adolfo has an MSc in Finance from the London School of Economics.

Adolfo has extensive experience advising pension schemes and sponsors on corporate transactions and funding de-risking structures impacting covenant across a variety of industries. Many of his clients are in the financial services industries, including insurers, (commercial and global investment) banks and asset managers.

Adolfo leads Lincoln Pensions’ end-game risk-transfer team.  He has been involved in advising on the transfer of well over £25bn of pension liabilities since 2014 through de-risking instruments.

Sebastian Reger
Sebastian Reger
Travers Smith
- Finance and Investment Partner

Sebastian Reger is a Finance and Investment Partner, with a particularly strong reputation in the pensions sector. He joined Travers Smith from Sackers in 2018.

Sebastian advises both buy-side and sell-side clients, ranging from a number of the UK's largest pension schemes, global investment banks and insurance companies to leading private equity houses, and central banks. Sebastian is a leading legal expert in longevity transactions, having advised insurance companies, pension schemes and collateral managers on longevity transactions over the course of a decade. He routinely advises clients on investment matters ranging from LDI mandates, pooled funds and segregated investment mandates, to bespoke investments in structured finance transactions. 

Daniel Gerring
Daniel Gerring
Travers Smith
- Partner and Head of Pensions

Working with colleagues from across our Pensions Sector, Daniel advises on all aspects of pensions law, acting for trustees and employers as well as parties to corporate activity, including in distress and restructuring situations. 

Daniel's practice includes strategic advice about employer covenant and security for occupational schemes, pensions aspects of corporate transactions and reorganisations, changes to benefit structures, risk management including buy-ins and longevity insurance, mergers, and disputes.


Daniel is a lead partner for both the firm's Corporate Social Responsibility and Diversity and Inclusion work and he has been recognised externally, including for a fourth consecutive year, Daniel has been ranked in OUTstanding’s worldwide 100 LGBT+ Executives List, placing in the top 25 internationally and the top 10 in the UK (and the highest-ranked lawyer in the world). Daniel ranks highly in both the Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners, and has been named by Who's Who Legal as the 'Global Elite Thought Leader' in the Pensions category in England.

Rob Mechem
Rob Mechem
- Director of DB Business Development

Rob joined the Just DB Solutions team in 2014 and leads our business development team. He cares about what’s right for schemes when they’re preparing to buy-in or buy-out and has established a team that support trustees and their partner administrators from enquiry, through transaction and onwards to transition.

Before Just he was with Aviva for 12 years and had several roles including leading the pricing of bulk annuities for over six years. He’s a life insurance actuary and chief examiner for the IFoA and his expertise ensures we ask the right questions, to focus our expertise, so we maximise value for trustees and advisers when they’re de-risking.

Outside work, Rob runs ultra-marathons when he’s not focussed on his young family.

Adam Saron
Adam Saron
- Founder and CEO

Adam was inspired to found Clara by his wife, for whom the company is named. Adam is motivated by clarity, teamwork and a strong desire to effect change. He believes that placing members first is the key to delivering a new solution for defined benefit pension schemes that will have a positive effect on members, sponsors and the broader UK economy.

Adam has worked in financial services for over 20 years. He began his career in Equity Capital Markets at Goldman Sachs, where he advised European and global clients on the structuring and execution of equity and equity-linked financing. After spending a year in the insurance industry he returned to capital markets and was a founding partner at Black Ant Investment Management – a global value investor, investing across the capital structure. Adam was a portfolio manager for 11 years on both the Black Ant Value and Credit funds.

Antony Barker
Antony Barker
The Pension SuperFund
- Managing Director

Antony is the Managing Director of the Pension SuperFund, the UK’s first full defined benefit scheme consolidator

He is the former pensions director and CIO at Santander UK where he delivered a 15% pa return for the award-winning £11bn fund, creating an innovative portfolio of investments. He is credited with consolidating the bank's seven legacy pension arrangements into a single operating business, driving out costs and improving the tax and risk management.

With a degree in Banking & Finance, Antony trained as an actuary and still oversees the South African investment exams.

His international career with Deloitte, BNP Paribas and Mercer spans corporate finance, banking, insurance, supra-nationals and governments covering both assets and liabilities as advisor, owner and manager. As well as developing the UK’s first consultant-offered fiduciary management service, he was seconded to the UK’s Department of Work and Pensions to create the Pension Protection Fund and personal accounts (now NEST), advised on the Ogden discount rate for damages claims and set the decommissioning funding arrangements of the UK’s new nuclear power programme.  He led the team that restructured the United Nations $50bn pension investment service and was a strategic adviser to the Swedish AP-fonden superfunds.  


Stuart O’Brien
Stuart O’Brien
- Partner

Stuart is at partner at Sackers, the UK’s leading specialist law firm for pension scheme trustees, employers, corporate investors and providers.

He has experience of a broad range of pension related matters, advising employers and trustees alike with a particular emphasis on finance and investment issues. This includes buy-ins and buy-outs, de-risking and advising on the legal aspects of scheme funding issues. Stuart has a keen interest in environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues, stewardship, responsible and impact investing.

Stuart is chair of the Pensions Climate Risk Industry Group, which provides guidance for pension trustees on how to integrate, manage and report on climate risks using the recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Joe Craig
Joe Craig
- Development Lead

Joe’s worked on communications strategy for pension schemes, investment firms, insurers and other financial institutions, big and small. He’s often on stage at industry events discussing how to make complicated or difficult messages more meaningful to more people.

Joe is also a best-selling author and screenwriter. He specialises in keeping people interested in what they’re reading, especially people with a low reading age, or who don’t want to be reading. He runs story workshops for writers of all ages, all over the world.

Gareth Tancred
Gareth Tancred
Jonathan Watts-Lay
Jonathan Watts-Lay
WEALTH at work
- Director
Lesley Carline
Lesley Carline
- President
Peter Hughes
Peter Hughes
Travers Smith
- Partner
Alan Baker
Alan Baker
Law Debenture
- Director
Charlotte Cartwright
Charlotte Cartwright
Eversheds Sutherland
- Legal Director, Pensions

Charlotte joined the Eversheds Sutherland pensions team in 2019 and has over 10 years of experience in advising trustees and employers on all aspects of pensions advisory work, including on various different types of company insolvency processes and the related implications / necessary steps for the pension scheme. Charlotte has been praised by clients for her ability to breakdown complex legal issues into straightforward and manageable decisions.

Charlotte is actively involved in developing pensions law in the UK, including in her role on the legislative and parliamentary sub-committee of the Association of Pension Lawyers. Charlotte regularly writes on, and speaks at events about, pensions

David Gray
David Gray
Eversheds Sutherland
- Partner

David is a partner in the Eversheds Sutherland restructuring and insolvency team. He is also a licensed insolvency practitioner. David specialises in all aspects of corporate restructuring and insolvency, both non-contentious and contentious. He advises a wide range of clients, including banks and secondary lenders, accountants and corporate clients on restructuring and insolvency issues, including receiverships, administrations and liquidations.

David speaks at specialist conferences and provides training to clients, through presentations and technical briefings.

David has also written articles on restructuring and insolvency for many publications and is a regular contributor to Corporate Rescue & Insolvency. He is regarded by Legal 500 and Chambers Directory as a leading individual in restructuring and insolvency.

Harriet Sayer
Harriet Sayer
Eversheds Sutherland
- Principal Associate

Harriet is a principal associate in the Eversheds Sutherland pensions team. She has over ten years’ experience advising sponsoring employers, trustees and financial institutions on all aspects of pensions law, including insolvent restructurings, bulk annuities and reinsurance transactions, investment products and structures and the pensions aspects of both UK and international corporate transactions.

Harriet has presented industry talks and papers at specialist conferences on a wide range of pensions issues, including on legal aspects of the employer covenant. She also sits on the Investment Sub-committee of the Society of Pension Professionals.


Kathryn Sinclair
Kathryn Sinclair
WEALTH at work
- Corporate Relationship Manager

Kath is an experienced financial services practitioner. Before joining WEALTH at work she was a regulated independent financial adviser and Recruitment and Management Trainer for AIG and has financial qualifications including FPC, Cemap and CIPD.

Kath has been with WEALTH at work for 10 years, initially as a presenter where she delivered seminars UK wide to employees and pension scheme members before moving to the CRM role.

Based in the North West of England she delivers multi-channelled financial education, guidance and advice programmes to various organisations including FTSE 100 companies and the university sector.

Suzanne Duke
Suzanne Duke
University of Sheffield
- Head of Reward

Suzanne began her reward career in the higher education sector at Sheffield Hallam University where she was responsible for both recruitment and reward, although the agenda ultimately became dominated by the ever-changing pensions landscape. She then spent two years in the private sector, responsible for both reward and systems, primarily supporting the formation of a new company from three different companies. This meant Suzanne had to manage the merger and creation of a single HR system and single company reward and benefits offer from three very different approaches. She says ‘I learnt a huge amount from this experience, including how much can be achieved in very little time with limited resource.' 


Suzanne then returned to the higher education sector at the University of Sheffield, where her current role is Head of Reward, responsible for the reward agenda and also the Payroll and Pensions Teams. She says ‘joining the University of Sheffield was a huge culture shock and actually very different from my previous HE experience! However, it is great to work for an organisation that really takes the wellbeing of its employees seriously, and therefore to have the opportunity to launch a financial wellbeing programme'.

Ralph McClelland
Ralph McClelland
- Partner

Ralph is a finance and investment specialist and partner at Sackers, with more than ten years’ experience in the pensions arena. He is the lead partner for a range of clients on both general pensions and investment and is frequently involved in project work.

Ralph has advised on trustees’ legal duties with regard to financial and non-financial factors, including ESG, ‘socially responsible investing’ and ‘ethical’, ‘impact’ or ‘green’ investing for a number of years.

Robert Barham-Brown
Robert Barham-Brown
- Senior Customer Success Manager
Chris Roberts
Chris Roberts
Dalriada Trustees
- Director

Chris is a Director at Dalriada Trustees and a Professional Trustee who set up our Manchester office in June 2015.  Chris previously worked for two large benefit consultancies and as administration manager for a large in house pension scheme in the charitable sector.  A strong project manager, his experience includes mapping and training all administrative processes to an overseas service centre.  Chris understands all aspects of pension provision from the ground up.

Chris is Accredited as a Professional Trustee by the Association of Professional Pension Trustees

A Member of the Pensions Management Institute, his wider experience includes complex investment strategy reviews, scheme wind ups, PPF transitions, defined contribution trusteeship, working with overseas parents and negotiating complex recovery plans.

He acts as, lead Trustee Representative or Trustee Chair on multiple Trustee appointments ranging from sub £5 million to £500 million of assets.  This includes global corporations, family businesses, FTSE250 Companies and not for profit organisations in a wider area of sectors.

A keen market commentator, examples of his work can be found in most pension, and occasional, more general publications.  He is also a regular speaker at industry events.

His spare time is spent playing golf, football and exploring his home in the North West of England.