PMI Crest
Introduction to Pensions (Basic)

Introduction to Pensions (Basic)

30 September 2024 | 30 Sept - 1 Oct
Various fees

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Introduction to Pensions (Basic)

Introduction to Pensions (Basic) is an online series designed specifically for those with little or no previous pensions knowledge. Our expert panel will talk through the essentials of the pensions industry.

From defining the role of the administrator to shedding light on pension scams and cybersecurity. We'll share our insights and update you on the core areas that professionals starting out in the pensions industry need to know, as well as answer any questions you have about the pensions industry.

To find out more and be the first to register please email

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    Members £50 (+VAT) per session or £300 (+VAT) all sessions
    Non members £65 (+VAT) per session or £400 (+VAT) all sessions
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    5 hours

    of CPD

Event Details


Topics of discussion:
  • Setting the scene
  • Money in and money out: contribution options
  • The role of the pension administrator
  • How to manage members’ complaints effectively
  • Data security
  • Pension scams & cybersecurity
  • What do you need to tell members and when?
Who should attend:
  • Employees new to pensions
  • Support staff
  • Professionals working in related fields such as payroll, accounts and HR
The venue
Event Venue Zoom


Starting 30 September until 1 October 2024

30 September | 10:00 - 10:30
Setting the scene
  • History of UK Pensions
  • Types of Pension arrangements
  • Making sense of jargon
  • Automatic enrolment
  • Dashboards
30 September | 11:00 - 11:30
Pension scams and cybersecurity
  • How to spot a scam
  • The Pensions Regulator’s guidance
  • How to deal with a suspected scammer
  • Consequences of pension scams
  • Good practices for administrators
30 September | 15:00 - 15:30
The role of the pension administrator
  • Disclosure regulations
  • Other statutory communication requirements
  • Calculating benefits
  • Communicating benefits
  • The importance of data security
  • Difference between DB and DC administration


30 September | 16:00 - 16:30
How to manage members’ complaints effectively
  • Internal disputes and resolutions
  • The Pensions Ombudsman
  • Trustee duties
1 October | 10:00 - 10:30
Data security
  • Data security requirements
  • Consequences of a data breach
  • The difference between the breaching process and an actual data breach
  • How to design admin processes to ensure compliance with GDPR
  • When do you need to update the scheme privacy notice?
01 October | 11:00 - 11:30
Money in and money out: contribution options
  • What goes in and what potentially can go out?
  • What is a pension scheme?
  • How does DB work differently from DC?
  • Design of trust-based pension schemes
  • Different packs and benefit options available
1 October | 15:00 - 15:30
What do you need to tell members and when?
  • Beyond disclosure – the importance of understanding
  • Communication megatrends
  • Coming soon – what to look out for?

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