PMI Crest
Annual Conference 2024

Annual Conference 2024

04 July 2024 | 08:30 - 17:30

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PMI's Annual Conference 2024

The future of pensions technology and policy

The award-winning Annual Conference 2024 (previously known as Pensions Aspects Live) is aimed at pensions professionals and those working in aligned business areas.

This year's conference revolves around the theme 'The Future of Pensions,' with a focus on technology and policy. Annual Conference aims to explore the synergies between technological advancements and policy frameworks in ensuring sustainable, secure, and inclusive retirement systems.

From discussions around AI and automation to regulatory challenges and policy changes, the conference aims to foster dialogue on digital empowerment, innovative investment strategies, and global best practices.

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    members: Free
    corporate members: £600 (+VAT)
    non-members: £1200 (+VAT)
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Event Details


Topics of discussion:
  • Technology
  • Policy
  • More details to follow
Who should attend:
  • Pension Scheme Managers
  • Trustees
  • Administrators
  • Policy advisers
  • Consultants
  • Lawyers
  • Corporate IFAs
  • Investment managers
  • Actuaries
  • Communication professionals
The venue

Congress Centre, 28 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS



Ruston Smith
Ruston Smith
Chair of PMI Board
Robert Wakefield
Robert Wakefield
Gareth Tancred
Gareth Tancred
08:30 - 09:00
Arrivals and registration
09:00 - 09:05
Welcome from the PMI
Ruston Smith
Ruston Smith
Chair of PMI Board
09:05 - 09:45
The Rise of the Humans: Learning to thrive in a generative AI world

In the past few years, organisations have likely learned more about the potential of technology in both their personal and professional lives than many of them have learned in the last ten years. At the heart of the change for most people lies not just a new affinity with technology, but a desire to both live and work in a way that is fundamentally different to that which we have experienced before.

We now stand at the precipice of yet another transformative era in our relationship with technology. This upcoming shift, driven by the increasing adoption of generative artificial intelligence, promises to be even more disruptive to society and our economy as it automates many of our current tasks.

Over the next decade, no role, organization, or individual will remain untouched by this change.As with any big change, there will be winners and losers, the difference between the two will be those that seek to reinvent what they do and how they do it, in order to deliver increasing value to their customers and their employees rather than looking for efficiencies by merely automating what is already done today.In this session we will explore how you can help your organisation navigate an emerging world where dispersed employees, empowered with transformational tools such as generative artificial intelligence and other digital technologies will drive change across all aspects of their business in both the short and long-term.

We’ll look at the problems we will face, and the mistakes and assumptions we might make before ultimately focusing on how best you can help your organisation to harness the opportunity provided to deliver increasing value to both your clients and your people.

Dave Coplin
Dave Coplin
The Envisioners
CEO and Founder
09:45 - 10:20
Symposium: The Future of Pensions - Lifetime Savings Initiative

The PMI and Schroders are spearheading -The Lifetime Savings Initiative (LSI) bringing together influential stakeholders from across consumer, savings, and pensions markets with an aim to identify, understand and propose solutions to the fundamental challenges faced by people in managing their finances.

This symposium will delve into:

  • The future is bigger than pensions
  • Understanding the drivers and pain points
  • Solutions for a brighter future for all
Gareth Tancred
Gareth Tancred
Rachel Harris
Rachel Harris
Schroders Solutions
Head of DC & Retirement Solutions
Charlotte Cartwright
Charlotte Cartwright
Ronan O’Riordan
Ronan O’Riordan
Schroders Solutions
Head of UK Institutional Business Development
Ruston Smith
Ruston Smith
Chair of PMI Board
James Barham
James Barham
Schroders Solutions
Executive Chair, Schroders Solutions
10:20 - 10:50
Networking Break
10:50 - 11:20
The future of retirement income: Navigating the DC Landscape
Tim Hodgson
Tim Hodgson
Head of the UK DC Platforms and Retirement Solutions
Dominic Byrne CAIA
Dominic Byrne CAIA
Head of DC Strategy for EMEA speaking

The retirement landscape is changing rapidly, as the industry shifts from defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans, meaning individuals have more responsibility and choice over how they save and spend their retirement income.

To support individuals achieve better outcomes in retirement, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has proposed a new requirement on pension schemes to offer their members retirement products and services that meet their needs and preferences. The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has also put forward a number of principles for how it wants the 'at retirement' market to develop, such as ensuring good governance, clear communication, and appropriate investment strategies.

In this session, we will share insights from the UK and overseas on how the industry can respond to these changes and provide DC members with a sustainable income in later life. We will discuss solutions that manage the journey both to and through retirement, and the need for combining investment, technology and lifetime income into default design.

11:20 - 11:50
Unifying a Fractured Landscape: The Future of Pension Transfers
Nick Meredith
Nick Meredith
Products Director

Occupational pension transfers in the UK are in flux. Manual processes, legacy technology and a mix of disparate systems still contribute to long transfer times and poor outcomes for consumers. But a more unified and streamlined pension transfer space is coming into being.

Attend this session to find out how pension transfers have been evolving over the past decade—including why, already increasing transfer volumes, are set to increase even faster going forward.

Discover how the effects of recent and future initiatives such as those from DWP and TPR could impact transfers. And hear how integration and automation are streamlining the transfer process in the occupational pensions world.

11:50 - 12:20
The future of policy in the DB de-risking landscape
Sarah O’Sullivan
Sarah O’Sullivan
Phoenix Group
Head of Strategy and Regulatory Change
Kieran Mistry
Kieran Mistry
Standard Life
Senior Business Development Manager

A forward-looking analysis of the regulatory landscape and its implications for the DB de-risking market, including anticipated regulatory reforms and their expected impacts on insurer decision-making, from risk management to the investment universe.

12:25 - 12:55
Breakout Session: Pensions are boring. And what to do about it.
Chris Budd
Chris Budd
Institute for Financial Wellbeing (IFW)

One of the biggest reasons people struggle to engage with their pensions is the difficulty we have in connecting with our future selves. We like our fun now, not put off until later! In this talk, Chris Budd explores our relationship with money – financial wellbeing – and provides ideas on how to increase employee engagement with their pensions

12:25 - 12:55
Breakout Session: What a new government will mean for pensions
Simon Kew
Simon Kew
Head of Market Engagement
Sarah Luheshi
Sarah Luheshi
Deputy Director
Pensions Policy Institute (PPI)
Tim Middleton
Tim Middleton
Director of Policy and External Affairs

What should the incoming Government’s pensions priorities be? PMI’s Director of Policy discusses the issues that should be top of the agenda with Simon Kew, Head of Market Engagement at Broadstone, and Sarah Luheshi, Deputy Director at the Pensions Policy Institute.

12:55 - 13:50
Lunch and Networking
13:50 - 14:05
The future of PMI
Gareth Tancred
Gareth Tancred
14:05 - 14:45
How can pension funds streamline their exposure to private assets?
Katya Gorbatiouk
Katya Gorbatiouk
London Stock Exchange
Head of Investment Funds, Primary Capital Markets
Tom Simmons
Tom Simmons
London Stock Exchange
Director, Private Markets Development
Mohammed Zaheer
Mohammed Zaheer
Infrared Capital Partners
Director, Listed Investor Relations

Investment in private markets is on the rise, as capital allocators are pressed to achieve higher potential risk-adjusted returns, access a broader range of alternative asset classes, while seeking to benefit from additional portfolio diversification.

With a growing range of structures available that provide exposure to private assets and positive pension industry reform, UK pension funds are well positioned to capitalise on new investment opportunities.

In this panel, senior representatives from the London Stock Exchange and Infrared Capital Partners will cover the following topics:

  • Accelerating the pace of pension reforms and the new aspirations for pension capital
  • Accessing alternative and difficult-to-source assets via listed investment companies 
  • PISCES regulation: A new market facilitating direct access to shares in private companies
  • Active asset management: what is the value for money and how is it delivered to the investor?
14:45 - 15:10
Networking Break
15:10 - 15:45
Breakout Session: Panel: Regulatory challenges and opportunities in pension innovation
Susie Daykin
Susie Daykin
Travers Smith
Head of Pensions
James Longster
James Longster
Travers Smith
Partner, Technology & Commercial Transactions
David Craddock
David Craddock
The Pensions Ombudsman
Senior Counsel
Mike Birch
Mike Birch
Client Director

As the pensions landscape evolves, regulatory frameworks must adapt to foster innovation while protecting consumers. In this panel discussion, chaired by Mike Birch, experts Susie Daykin, James Longster, and David Craddock will explore the regulatory challenges and opportunities surrounding the integration of technology and AI in the pension sector. They will discuss some of the potential "use cases" in the pensions space and explore the regulatory, governance and other issues that trustees should be thinking about when AI is used.

15:10 - 15:45
Breakout Session: Panel: How do we get Trustees to embrace digital transformation
Shehzad Ahmad
Shehzad Ahmad
Dalriada Trustees
Senior Professional Trustee
Rachika Cooray
Rachika Cooray
Vice President
Joe Craig
Joe Craig
Development Lead
Rick Di Macio
Rick Di Macio

In an era where digital innovation is reshaping industries globally, the pensions sector stands at a pivotal crossroads. This breakout session will delve into the critical question of how trustees can be encouraged and supported in embracing digital transformation. The expert panel will explore the challenges and opportunities that digital tools and technologies bring to pension scheme governance and management.

15:50 - 16:40
Symposium: Retirement In The Digital Age: Harnessing AI and Technology
  • AI - Showcasing the intuitiveness of AI how it can help organisations
  • AI - the robots are taking over! Cybersecurity risk
  • Panel discussion: Harnessing AI for personalised retirement planning
Dominic Makemson
Dominic Makemson
Associate Partner
Stuart Breyer
Stuart Breyer
Tim Robinson
Tim Robinson
Crowe UK LLP
Partner, Forensic Services – Cyber Security and Counter Fraud
16:40 - 17:40
Networking drinks reception


Charlotte Cartwright
Charlotte Cartwright
- Partner
Chris Budd
Chris Budd
Institute for Financial Wellbeing (IFW)
- Founder

Chris Budd founded financial planning company Ovation Finance Ltd in 2000. He sold a majority of Ovation to an Employee Ownership Trust (EOT) in March 2018.

He is the author of six books, including the original book about financial wellbeing which he wrote in 2015, The Financial Wellbeing Book, and The Four Cornerstones of Financial Wellbeing, was published in 2023. He has also published three novels with a fourth in progress.

Chris has been writing The Financial Wellbeing Podcast since 2016. He founded the Institute for Financial Wellbeing (IFW) to bring together financial advisers and planners who want to focus on their clients’ happiness, not just their money.

Chris lives in Somerset, UK, with his family and too many guitars.

Dave Coplin
Dave Coplin
The Envisioners
- CEO and Founder

Dave looks forward. Towards The Future of the World of Work. Positive, encouraging, engaging, challenging and upbeat on topics including AI, big data, digitalization, emerging technologies and much more, he looks at how to combine “humans plus machines” to achieve the best results. His view is not nihilistic. It’s not Armageddon. It’s about being open, engaging and engaged, people-facing, achievable and relevant.

Dave’s thorough approach to tailoring his presentations is reflected in excellent feedback. Invited to speak worldwide for companies (including in law, finance, banks, engineering, construction, schools and universities, food and drink, tech, and more) his tell-it-as-he-sees-it honesty, and a light-hearted approach always inspire, enthuse, and entertain. He helps audiences to think differently and creatively. His mission is to help people see how technology can help them work smarter. Not harder.

Dave’s work as a published thought leader allows him to begin new conversations with audiences to resonate at all levels about the changing nature of work, which requires greater flexibility, collaboration, creativity and innovation.

His clients include Google, Facebook, Vodafone, Dropbox, Connect Plus M25, UBM, New Civil Engineer, CIPD, Communisis, The Law Society, London Business Forum, Richmond Housing Partnership, MCA Insight, Pancreatic Cancer UK, Baillie Gifford, Richmond Events, Gladstone Software, PHD Dubai, The Economist, Mizuho International Bank, Business Centre Association, Mind The Product, Association of Relocation Professionals, Public Service Manager’s Association, Lucy Cavendish College (University of Cambridge) and Nickelodeon.

In December 2017, Dave was invited to open, and to close, the Children’s Global Media Summit over three days in Manchester UK. HRH Prince William was the keynote speaker on Day Two of this important, global event.

Following his success headlining at the Cheltenham Science Festival in 2019 (speaking on the future of the world of work and education) Dave was invited back for multiple sessions in 2020/2021.

Technology geekdom is in Dave’s DNA. A life-long Star Trek fan, he is a former Crystal Maze winner: these attributes all combine to create this friendly, approachable, optimistic, beardy, pony-tailed alchemist.  With over 25 years in the technology industry (and via his former “day job” as “Chief Envisioning Officer” at Microsoft) Dave is at the forefront of conversations on how individuals and organisations could benefit from the transformational potential of technology, rather than simply using it to do the same things… but only slightly better.

At Destination Star Trek, he went onstage to speak about a subject close to his heart – how technology, and even innovations referenced in Star Trek, are being brought to life now, changing the way we live and work forever.  One of the most influential people in the digital industry, he was nominated as one of the Drum’s Digerati (2013, 2014) BIMA’s Hot 100 (2013) and the Digital Marketing Show’s “Class of 2014”.

Bringing new and exciting thinking to the world of work, Dave’s books Business Reimagined and The Rise of the Humans discuss the need to rethink how we use technology to make it work for us, not against us. The books sold over 12,500 copies. Dave is working on his next book.

The Rise of the Humans (2014) shines a light on the deluge of digital information which surrounds us in work and in life, threatening to overwhelm us. Dave argues that the sheer volume of information often prevents us from ever going deep into subjects and it constrains us from getting the much-needed headspace to think. He claims this deluge often leads us to “snack” on data in a way that’s unhealthy for our minds, working styles and, most importantly, our lives.

With a loyal audience on social media, Dave is a prominent and regular voice at leading industry events and platforms including the RSA, WorkTech, and Cloud World Forum. He was a guest on Sunday Brunch (C4) 31 Dec 2017. His RSA Animate video on the need to re-imagine work has generated over 800,000 YouTube hits to date.  His point of view resonates widely.

Addressing the intersection of modern society technology through his public speaking and published work, Dave is spearheading the development of the UK’s IT and digital industries by helping people to understand and aspire to greater outcomes from our use of technology.

Dave is an authority in the industry, on a broad range of topics and a regular contributor in UK and Pan-EMEA media including the BBC, The Telegraph and The Guardian on topics from the future of education, privacy and on-line safety, right through to the Big Data rock stars and the impact of Machine Learning.

“We need strategies and tools that help us better to cope with information – and focus on what matters.

But how do we sift through what’s important and what’s not?

How do we decide when to tune in, and when to tune out?”

The Rise of the Humans, Dave Coplin, 2014

“I believe that within every individual inside an organisation lies an “intrapreneur” – an innate desire to make things better either directly for themselves, or indirectly by making their organisation better.

Our main cultural challenge is how organisations not only create an environment that supports this, but equally how they learn to live with the occasional chaos that can come with it.”

The Rise of the Humans, Dave Coplin, 2014

Invited as principal keynote speaker at Children’s Global Media Summit (hosted by the BBC: December 2017), he wrote: 

“We continue to raise our children with a mindset that was forged in the fires of the 19th century. As a result, we are preparing our children for a world that no longer exists.  Unless we fundamentally change the way in which we think about, engage with and educate our children, we risk being derelict in our duty as the guardians of their future, as we send them out into a world for which they are simply not prepared.  The Rise of the Humans seeks to re-dress this balance by helping the next generation to embrace the incredible opportunity technology offers us and, in so doing, enables them to live up to the potential of evolving technology, rather than to be constrained by it”.

Dominic Makemson
Dominic Makemson
- Associate Partner
David Craddock
David Craddock
The Pensions Ombudsman
- Senior Counsel

David is a Senior Counsel at The Pensions Ombudsman. His role includes legal support to the Ombudsman and other staff on individual complaints, as well as wider policy issues. Previously, he spent several years in the pensions team at Eversheds Sutherland, advising trustees and employers on running their pension schemes and implementing change.

Dominic Byrne CAIA
Dominic Byrne CAIA
- Head of DC Strategy for EMEA speaking
Gareth Tancred
Gareth Tancred
James Longster
James Longster
Travers Smith
- Partner, Technology & Commercial Transactions
James Barham
James Barham
Schroders Solutions
- Executive Chair, Schroders Solutions
Joe Craig
Joe Craig
- Development Lead

Joe is a communication specialist, a best-selling author, screenwriter and speaker. He’s developed communication strategies for pension schemes, investment firms, insurers and financial institutions, big and small. His work at Quietroom is all about making complicated or difficult messages more meaningful to more people. He specialises in engaging a reluctant audience and using the tools of a storyteller to bring unloved subjects to life.

Kieran Mistry
Kieran Mistry
Standard Life
- Senior Business Development Manager

Kieran is a Senior Business Development Manager at Standard Life, responsible for origination and execution of buy-ins and buy-outs. Kieran works with consultants, trustees and sponsors who are seeking to de-risk their pension schemes. Kieran was previously a pensions risk transfer consultant, including leading propositions focused on alternative risk transfer.

Katya Gorbatiouk
Katya Gorbatiouk
London Stock Exchange
- Head of Investment Funds, Primary Capital Markets

Katya Gorbatiouk has over 20 years of experience in international capital markets. As Head of Investment Funds in Primary Capital Markets, Katya is responsible for driving the growth and liquidity of the London listed funds market, a conduit of capital into vital sectors of the economy, such as infrastructure, energy transition and innovation. Katya is also a member of the Group Sustainability working group.
From February 2022 Katya serves on the Best Practice Committee of the Board of the Investor Relations Society. She is Chair of its Best Practice for Sustainability Communications sub-committee and a member of its IR Communications and Engagement sub-committee. She served on the judging panel for the IR Society Best Practice Awards in ESG Communications. Her articles on the evolution of investor communications and engagement were published in the recent issues of the IR Society Journal Informed.
From March 2023 Katya is a member of the Stakeholder Insight Group of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), that acts as an external adviser to the FRC on opportunities and potential areas of focus related to corporate governance and investor stewardship.
Katya previously chaired the Board Effectiveness & Stakeholder Governance working group at the Institute of Directors’ Centre for Corporate Governance. She has co-authored an IoD publication on best practice of enacting a stakeholder-centric approach by corporate boards. She led the creation of the Centre’s content on topics related to board effectiveness.
Katya is a Freeman of the City of London. She has been a long-standing board member of organisations with high social impact, such as the Global Leaders Institute (Washington DC) and London Music Fund, and other prominent institutions such as UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies and London Symphony Orchestra.

Mohammed Zaheer
Mohammed Zaheer
Infrared Capital Partners
- Director, Listed Investor Relations

Mohammed is responsible for listed Investor Relations for HICL Infrastructure PLC, the LSE-listed core infrastructure investment company managed by InfraRed, as well as TRIG, the LSE-listed renewables investment company co-managed by InfraRed. He leads the team that manages investor communication, financial reporting and fundraising for both HICL and TRIG.

Before joining InfraRed in 2018, he was an equity research analyst at Citi, a US investment bank, where he worked in the European Utilities team covering renewables and worked on a number of European renewables Initial Public Offerings (IPO). He has more than 9 years of experience in public markets and more than 8 years of experience in infrastructure and renewables.

He is also a Chartered Accountant, holding the ACA qualification from the ICAEW.

Mike Birch
Mike Birch
- Client Director
Nick Meredith
Nick Meredith
- Products Director

Nick has worked for over 20 years developing a range of complex software applications from small specialist solutions to enterprise wide policy administration systems. He combines in-depth expertise in a wide range of technologies with an excellent grasp of the practicalities of financial services operations.

Rachel Harris
Rachel Harris
Schroders Solutions
- Head of DC & Retirement Solutions
Rachika Cooray
Rachika Cooray
- Vice President
Ruston Smith
Ruston Smith
- Chair of PMI Board
Robert Wakefield
Robert Wakefield
- President
Ronan O’Riordan
Ronan O’Riordan
- Head of UK Institutional Business Development
Rick Di Macio
Rick Di Macio
Shehzad Ahmad
Shehzad Ahmad
Dalriada Trustees
- Senior Professional Trustee

Shehzad is a Senior Professional Trustee and is fully accredited by the APPT accredited. He has been a trustee for nearly 20 years, during which he has worked on some of the most high profile cases in the industry.

Shehzad is well-known for his inclusive and collaborative style as well as being open to innovation as well as traditional approaches to trusteeship to achieve best outcomes. He has has worked with household names and chaired boards for schemes from as small as £1m to £3bn+.

He has been Head of Professional Corporate Sole Trusteeship and Risk Transfer at another trustee firm where he implemented the APPT’s Code of Practice that he co-authored.

Shehzad has wider experience of journey planning, leading restructures and has worked on cases with regulatory oversight, including those with in-depth and complex funding negotiations. He has also worked at the Pension Protection Fund, managing its legal panel.

As well as being APMI accredited, Shehzad has experience from outside the pensions industry as forensic expert witness and attaining lean sigma qualifications.

When Shehzad is not supporting his clients, he enjoys spending his spare time with his family and travelling with them to new destinations. He enjoys various sports and is always keen to try new activities time permitting.

Simon Kew
Simon Kew
- Head of Market Engagement
Susie Daykin
Susie Daykin
Travers Smith
- Head of Pensions
Sarah O’Sullivan
Sarah O’Sullivan
Phoenix Group
- Head of Strategy and Regulatory Change

Sarah sits in the Group Strategy team at Phoenix Group, supporting the business to deliver its purpose of helping people to achieve a lifetime of possibilities, bringing a regulatory slant to strategy development. Sarah has led Phoenix’s response to Solvency II reforms, developing the house view on reform proposals, and coordinating the Group’s response. Before joining Phoenix in 2021, Sarah worked at the Bank of England, advising the Financial Policy Committee on the impact of Solvency II reforms on productive investment and prior to this at the PRA, in the actuarial team supervising insurance firms.

Stuart Breyer
Stuart Breyer

Stuart is CEO of mallowstreet, the online and events platform for the UK institutional pensions industry. mallowstreet's goal is to help provide a better pension for everyone. After sustained and impressive growth it now has over 3,400 community members, and is establishing a presence in Europe and China. Prior to this role, Stuart worked at Redington, where he helped launch mallowstreet in 2009. Having graduated from Drexel University with an MBA, followed by several years at Susquehanna International Group in Philadelphia, Stuart moved to the UK to complete an Msc in Social Planning and Policy at the LSE in 2006. He’s still here and in his free time enjoys running and travel.

Sarah Luheshi
Sarah Luheshi
Deputy Director
- Pensions Policy Institute (PPI)

Sarah joined the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) at the start of 2015. In addition to being the Deputy Director, she also manages the PPI's research programme and policy research and modelling teams.

She has presented and spoken at numerous events on a range of topics, including the Pensions Framework, the self-employed, lessons from around the international pensions world, tax relief, complexity of consumer decision making and consumer engagement.

Sarah brings over thirty years’ experience in financial services having started in the corporate world working for a FTSE 100 composite insurance company before moving into management consultancy and has held senior roles in strategy, marketing and customer services. Throughout her career, both in the UK and overseas Sarah has used qualitative and quantitative research to ensure that outcomes are customer focused.

In January 2021 Sarah was appointed to the PLSA’s Policy Board.

In her spare time, Sarah looks after a menagerie of pets and animals and is an apiarist and gardener.

Sarah has a BSc in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Manchester and an MBA in International Business and Corporate Finance.

Tim Hodgson
Tim Hodgson
- Head of the UK DC Platforms and Retirement Solutions

Tim Hodgson is Head of the UK DC Platforms and Retirement Solutions business. Tim and team deliver high quality investment solutions and relationship management to insurers, platforms & independent Master Trusts in both the Retail DC and Wealth marketplaces. Mr Hodgson has led the team since mid 2018 having joined from iShares at the end of 2014 where he was head of the UK Regional Sales Team. Mr Hodgson holds a BSc (Hons) in Economics from Cardiff University.

Tom Simmons
Tom Simmons
London Stock Exchange
- Director, Private Markets Development

Tom focuses on product development in London Stock Exchange’s equity capital markets team, leading on the Exchange’s development of a crossover market seeking to join up private and public markets which intends to make use of HMT’s proposed PISCES regulatory framework. Tom has been at the exchange for 11 years, working within product, policy and regulatory roles spanning the London Stock Exchange’s AIM and Main Market trading venues focusing on primary market development. Tom is a chartered accountant who worked in PwC’s Insurance and Investment Management practice prior to joining the exchange.

Tim Robinson
Tim Robinson
Crowe UK LLP
- Partner, Forensic Services – Cyber Security and Counter Fraud

Tim is a Partner in the Forensic Services team at Crowe and leads the Firm’s cyber security and counter fraud work.
Tim also chairs the Cybercrime and Fraud Working Groups at both the Pensions Administration Standards Association (PASA) and Pensions Research Accountants Group (PRAG) and regularly provides guidance to the sector.
Tim works with pension schemes to ensure that they are appropriately protected against the latest manifestations of cybercrime and fraud in line with the expectations set by the Regulator. He helps them assess their resilience, remove known vulnerabilities and build long-term strategies to manage their cyber and fraud risk.
Tim’s team is made up of accredited information security and counter fraud specialists, making them uniquely placed to identify and support on the key threats to schemes.
He regularly delivers both technical-led and governance-focused cyber security projects for pension schemes in addition to other public bodies, private companies and charities, with organisations ranging in size from small to large.
Tim has a keen interest in understanding the latest threats to organisations and leads Crowe’s thought leadership in this area. He has recently carried out research with the University of Portsmouth’s Centre for Cybercrime and Economic Crime into how cybercrime ‘businesses’ use the Dark Web to attack organisations, speaking on the topic at many industry events. He also co-authored the latest ‘Annual Fraud Indicator’ which measures the true colossal cost of fraud in the UK


Tim Middleton
Tim Middleton
- Director of Policy and External Affairs

Thank you to our sponsors and partners for their continued support

London Stock Exchange
London Stock Exchange
Gold Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Travers Smith
Travers Smith
Standard Life
Standard Life
Dalriada Trustees
Dalriada Trustees
Insight Partner
Savvy Investor
Savvy Investor
Media Partner

Annual Conference 2023
